Looking for a great job near home?

Build916 works with local employers with projects in the region who are looking for skilled professionals like you.

Start Your Search

Build916 was built specifically for job seekers looking to work for a local construction-related company. Local people are looking for great jobs and local employers are looking for great employees, but technology has complicated the hiring process. Most job boards have a national focus and are not designed for careers that focus on the trades. As recruitment has become digitized, it has become more difficult for hiring managers and skilled workers to connect.

Build916 features real jobs posted by real construction industry employers located in the greater Sacramento area. Your job application is delivered to a real hiring manager looking for employees with practical skills like you.

How It Works

Step 1

Create Your Account

Start by signing up for your free Build916 account so we can share your details with hiring managers for the jobs you apply for and you can keep track of your applications.

Step 2

Apply For Jobs

Search for positions that you are interested in and submit applications through your Build916 account. Uploading a resume is optional.

Step 3

Talk With Local Employers

We connect employers and employees directly. It is up to the hiring company to reach out to you for interviews or other evaluation processes.


Your next employment opportunity is just a few clicks away. Search Build916 for positions that you are interested in. Before applying, be sure to sign up for a free Build916 account so we can share your details with the hiring manager and you can keep track of your applications. If it’s a match, the company will contact you directly to complete their employment evaluation process.
Build916 is free for applicants. You can set up an account and apply for as many job openings as you want at no cost to you.
While we do offer the option to upload your resume, it is not required. Most Build916 employers are looking for practical, project-related skills instead of a fancy piece of paper, so our system is designed to make it easy for you to showcase relevant work experience.
No, we connect employers and employees directly. We do not determine or influence whether you are hired for any position listed on Build916. It is up to the hiring company to reach out to job candidates for interviews or other evaluation processes.
Your Build916 account is password-protected, and your personal details are not available for public view. For any job listing that you apply for, the information you provide will be shared with the respective employer and may include your full name, contact details, work experience, skills, availability, and other details. Outside of that specific exchange, Build916 does not share your personal information.

Find Local Jobs Now

Build916 is free for applicants and is easy to get started. Start your job search by entering your search criteria, then save your account to begin applying for local construction jobs.

Start Your Search